Tuesday, October 16, 2007


None of the probing of the TinkerToys, or even the AFF, splog farms, could be done by hand. Clicking on each link in the browser, and waiting while another page loaded, would take forever.

All of this was done thanks to Steven of IT-Mate, who provided a pair of essential utilities.

To find the links in splogs like http://orowmsagn.blogspot.com/, I use vURL. I provide the URL of any web site to vURL, and it walks through the web site, and strips out all links. I save the result of a vURL probe to a text file, clean up the file, and in 10 minutes can have a clean list of all links, from any one splog, to the other splogs in the farm.

Taking any list from vURL, I run a second utility, prjSiteOnline. prjSiteOnline checks each URL in the list for existence, and returns a response byte count. When you run SO, you'll see about 10% are non-existent blogs. Of the remaining 90%, anywhere from half to 3/4 will show a byte count of under 50 bytes. This corresponds to leaf blogs. The remainder will show over 300 bytes, which corresponds to branch blogs.

Observing any one of the entries in SO to show 300+ bytes, I take that URL and run it through vURL. This gives another control file for SO, and so on.

vURL is useful in another way - parsing the Recently Updated Blogs list. You feed it the RUB URL, and it presents you with a neatly alphabetised and un duplicated list - of URLs, not titles - making it possible to look for naming patterns. You do have to have patience - 1 to 2 hours for a 10 minute RUB List. So if we're ever going to have a constant monitoring of the list, we'll need a couple dozen computers, running in parallel. If anybody has access to a small botnet, this wouldn't be a bad thing to do with one.

Both prjSiteOnline and vURL are free, and you are welcome to install and run either one, and verify what I am telling you. vURL requires that you close all applications, and prjSiteOnline runs immediately from any folder where it's downloaded. As noted above, loading any of the splogs in your browser may not be a good idea, but you can run any web site of interest through prjSiteOnline and / or vURL, in perfect safety.

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Welcome to Blog*Spot Hacking, Porn, And Spam. Here we're going to try and catalogue the splog farms that have infested the Blogosphere.

In order to defeat the enemy, you must first know who the enemy is.

And please, if your computer isn't robustly protected, don't go clicking on the links! Last week, the AFF splog farm was delivering some nasty hacking content, in its money splogs. Any of these splog farms are apparently subject to change, at will, by their owners.