Sunday, October 21, 2007

TinkerToys #2

Interesting news this evening. The following TinkerToys splogs, discussed earlier, are now offline.

You have to look at vURL logs, if you've already cached any one of them on your computer.


vURL Desktop Edition v0.1.7 Results

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Date: Sunday, October 21, 2007

Time: 23:07:38:07


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<div id="body"><div id="main"><div id="m3"><h2>This blog is in violation of Blogger's Terms of Service and is open to authors only</h2>
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<p style="margin-top:2em; line-height:1em;">If you are an author of this blog, tell us who you are! Sign in using your
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But let us not become complacent. This is but 3 splogs, in one huge farm. Next we look at the peers to krdr, ieqj, and iieb, which are still in business.

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Welcome to Blog*Spot Hacking, Porn, And Spam. Here we're going to try and catalogue the splog farms that have infested the Blogosphere.

In order to defeat the enemy, you must first know who the enemy is.

And please, if your computer isn't robustly protected, don't go clicking on the links! Last week, the AFF splog farm was delivering some nasty hacking content, in its money splogs. Any of these splog farms are apparently subject to change, at will, by their owners.